PrajJa Conversations

Coaching Counselling Mentoring


Dr Saroja Gunasekera

“Conversation is a meeting of minds with different memories and habits. When minds meet, they don’t just exchange facts: they transform them, reshape them, draw different implications from them, engage in new trains of thought.

Conversations doesn’t just reshuffle cards, it creates new cards” 

 - Theodore Zeldin

Dr Saroja Gunasekera - MBBS FRACGP

Dr Saroja Gunasekera - MBBS FRACGP



PrajJa Conversations is a Professional service offered for the purpose of coaching, counselling and mentoring.

I am a General Practitioner working in Bulli with over 30 years in the Illawarra region as a medical doctor, mental health clinician, and senior medical educator.

Throughout my career I have been privileged to be witness to beginnings, endings and indefinable & nebulous in-betweens. The intimate and confidential conversations with people at their most vulnerable moments are a gift of trust, connection and healing. This has been not only in the context of General Practice but also in the provision of pastoral care, mentoring and coaching of colleagues and other professionals.

From these origins was born a conversational, wisdom based humanist model of engaging in a reflective practice to deepen insight and understanding, transform perspective, and ultimately develop sustainability, both in private and professional lives.

I have found great success in this guided, active examination of one’s life as a powerful practice in addressing the stressors of modern professional life such as a sense of disconnectedness, dissatisfaction, feeling overwhelmed and inadequate, isolated, shame, fear, loss, lack of clear thinking, and feeling like an imposter.

PrajJa Conversations offers an opportunity to unpack, reflect, review, reframe, and reimagine one’s life. These shifts in perspective can be deeply clarifying and inject new energy, purpose and awareness of joy.

We will have guided conversations to access your own lived experiential wisdom.

This occurs with sincere respect, confidentiality, and without judgement in a safe setting.

The most authentic thing about us is our capacity to create, to overcome, to endure, to transform, to love and to be greater than our suffering.
— Ben Okri

Professional Experience

Bulli Beach at sunset

Bulli Beach at sunset

I am a qualified General Practitioner with many years of experience as a clinician working in varied environments which have  included:

  •  General Practice

    (Illawarra region) 1993 - Ongoing - Currently in Bulli

  •  Community Mental Health Services

    (Illawarra Area Health Service) 2002 - 2004

  •  Sexual Assault Services

    (Illawarra Area Health Service) 1999 - 2003

  •  General Practice Accreditation Surveyor

    (AGPAL) 2000 - 2003

  •  Vocational Medical Education

    (Director of GP Education & Training - Illawarra Shoalhaven & Southern Highlands) 2003 - 2012

  •  Graduate Medical Education 

    (Clinical Associate Professor - Graduate Medicine - University of Wollongong) 2006 - Ongoing

Bachelor of Medicine & Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) UNSW

Fellow of the Royal Australian College of General Practice (FRACGP)

My professional experience is complemented by a unique adventure through life as a daughter, sister, wife, mother/stepmother, friend, confidante and many more roles that have woven a rich tapestry of experiences and underscored my sensitivity, empathy and desire to explore the human mind and heart. 



Face to Face / Telephone / Video Consultations can be booked on request for

Mondays, Fridays & Saturdays

Working professionals may wish to tax deduct consultation fees as a Professional Development Activity

Fees can be paid via Eftpos, cash or for international clients, via Bank EFT

Contact Us

M: +61411 117 164


Our Conversation Space

9 Willcath Street, Bulli NSW 2516



“Now that my issue is resolved, I almost can not define what it was… ‘it was around why am I here?’ Saroja challenged some of my invisible thought patterns and shared some of her personal experiences and values that were inspiring. I am confident that the turning point in my quest was our conversation - So a big thank you.”

(valued client 1)

“I would never have been able to sort through my emotions and motivations, or gain insight into myself in such a lastingly helpful and clarifying way as I did during these conversations. I am a happier, more peaceful and more balanced version of myself as a result of them. I can't thank you enough.”

(valued client 2)

My PraJja conversations with Saroja have instigated leaps and bounds forward in my development and growth as a person unlike any I’ve ever experienced. 
Her incredible wisdom, experience, empathy and intuition are unparalleled. She held up a mirror to my mindset and challenged me in ways that were just the right degree of confronting, always with skill and sensitivity. 
I now know myself more deeply than ever, have shed thought patterns that no longer serve me and best of all, have complete clarity for what my path forward looks like.
Thank you, Saroja. Our time together has been priceless, and the warmth with which you practice sets you apart from any experiences I've had with many other health professional.”

(valued client 3)